

B.A.P. - One Shot

Well, well, well, my little cakes.
Here I come again with another MV review. This time is B.A.P.'s time with their comeback single One Shot. Let's see what is baked for them ^^.

First of all I have to say that this comeback is one of my most waited ones (first now is EXO), and they have fullfilled my expectations. The music is their style, the dance is awesome... I don't know what else to say about it, just that in my opinion, it is hilarious :)

This time I'm not going to talk about the things I liked, but about the things I found were very LOL like ^^ Let's go with them!


They have to pay 10,000,000 $ for YoungJae's rescue. Ok, till this moment everything is alright. Someone is kidnapped and you want to pay the rescue money, BUT! why would you rob a police money furgon when you can sell your jewelry????

I think that with those ones they can pay it well hahaha unless it is from a flea-market ^^.


Another thing that caught my attention was that they prepare a very detailed plan to steal the money, I mean, they even used toy cars in a map!

I know that most of the korean idol boys have very pretty hands, but... I don't know if it is only my thing, buut I can't stand a boy whith long nails. It is just something I don't like at all >.< (notice Yongukk's hands in the image on the right)


I can't believe that a furgon with so much money is in charge of only 2 police man in a desserted area and when they are surrounded by 2 cars, both of them go out of the vehicle and front 6 guys ¬ ¬.

Also, the money they use looks like an imitation... at my eye it just looks like Monopoly money.


The shots. They were a bit a fail. If the get SHOT, at least they could disimulate a gun wound or to fake a hole, not make a hole in the t-shirt with a special technique that explodes and fakes a gun shot, and then show that there's no wound at all.

Also I don't know how Yongukk could get shot with that furry coat hahaha. I think that that serves him as anti-shot protection.


I didn't do this with evil intention, but their faces when the bad guys shot YoungJae...

And finally... the last part of this entry. This is a little compilation of all the fail captures I made while editing the video. Here you have some of the epic pictures.

I don't know you guys, but I laughed so much while watching Zelo's faces... hahahahahahah LOL.
Well, this has been all for today. I will post more regularly from now on; I have promised it myself, and if I don't, I told my sister to cut out my chocolate provisions u.u 

This is all, cakes! 

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